Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
I find it odd that this is the first truth we are supposed to talk about. It makes me wonder why so many young girls grow up hating too many things about themselves. Probably from a very early age we are taught by what is in media "is" the acceptable norms. Open any magazine and you will know what I'm talking about...skinny, tan, blonde etc. It's hard...I crave for the day where I completely accept who I am. Especially now, how can I teach my daughter to love who she is, if it's a struggle for me!
I also like that this is the first truth in the 30 day truths...Being a new mom and trying to shed my pregnant body is hard. It would be so easy to just say "weight" is what I hate about myself. But I'm going to choose something that I've had a difficult time dealing with since I was little. I also wish I could choose something that wasn't so superficial...however I'm not going to. I'm choosing something that has been with me since the day I was born.
Something I have always hated about myself is my skin color. I was also made fun of when I was little because of how pale I am. Even at a few months shy of 30 I still wrestle with my feelings. Thankfully, lately I've been more on the like side, but that could just be because I've had more important issues to deal with. I haven't met many people that are as pale as I am. I've been called every name possible...and I can still remember certain occasions from my childhood that illicit tears to this day.
If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
- New Year Reso's (1)
I'd go with my vision issues. Particularly my right eye, it's real sketch.
Personality wise I can be a bit of a stubborn arse sometimes.
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