Hello Blog, this is Cara! Nice to meet you.
Okay in all serious, I know I've neglected my blog over the past week. I will try and catch up over the weekend.
I have to admit it has been a hard beginning to the school year. Lots of new stuff going on with work (ended up with a much higher level of students than in the past) So many changes and all in all just a stressful place to work.
Working out EVERY morning b/c Joe has been working nights so can't go to the gym them. I've been really good this week. Getting up at 5 every morning to pump then go to the gym.
Really Really Really missing Calais during the day. It's been hard going to work and not getting to hang out with baby girl during the day. I want to tear up each time I think about how much I miss her during the day. Thankfully Joe and I have been able to video chat most days (except for the past few when I've had working lunches) and I can see Calais on the video. I think she can actually recognize me when I talk to her on the computer, which is nice!
I really look forward to the weekends where we can be an actual family and have us all hang out at the same time.
Here's a pic from our trip to the pool last night!
ewwwowoywow that's a cute pic! And based on my past experiences, I'd say she's probably one of the better swimmers at Columbia Pool...
Yall are doing an amazing job, Calais is a really lucky kid!
Just can't help wondering what she is thinking with that thoughtful expression.
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