Over at unclutterer.com they have the Thing A Day Challenge.
To sum it up, the challenge is basically de-clutter your life! Get rid of 1 thing a day for however long you feel fit.
So starting Aug. 1 I'm going to get rid of 1 thing of mine in the house a day. I'm not sure if I will grab something once a day, I'll probably grab 7 items on Sunday and put it in a box. Then at the end of the month drop it off at GoodWill.
Does anyone feel like joining me in this challenge? You don't have to list what you've gotten rid of if you don't want to!
I doubt I will be getting rid of any big items (t.v., bed, etc.) I see small items, a book here, some craft supplies, shoes.
I think this should also help me not feel like everything is in dis-array with the baby. Happier mom equals happier Calais :)
Here's to a happier, less crap filled August!
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