Can you believe I've been teaching for 3 years in Portland (for a total of 6 years!) I'm surprised I lasted this long at my current location! I'll save a blog post on my current school for another time...Since I've just finished my third year teaching, Portland Public Schools require any 3rd year teacher to take a graduate level class in order to keep your teaching license. Then after that, all you have to use are our PLU's (my credits for going to workshops, etc.)Since having Calais, I knew I couldn't actually go INTO I opted for an online class. A coworker told me about the Heritage Institute. It's partnered with Antioch University in Seattle. After browsing all the classes I ended up choosing a course called Northern Oregon Coast History: A self guided tour. Basically the class itself is comprised of 1) Reading a book and writing a 5 page review. 2) Going to the coast (Astoria, Seaside, Hug Point and Tillamook) and visiting multiple sites and taking multiple pictures 3) Writing many lesson plans, questions, writing prompts, papers. So far I've completed 3 pages of my book (It's pretty boring!) I haven't done any of number three. I think having a baby has caused me to put all this on the back burner! So this past week, Joe, Calais and I set out for the coast and visited many sites, museums and markers.
Family Portrait in front of The Pacific Ocean
Hanging with Dad
Hanging by the Fire at the Campground
With Dad at the Beach
Woke up with a smile on her face!
Amazing Scenery
On the highway driving down the coast
One of the assignments was to take a picture at the 39 signs...I acted out almost all of them!
We are now putting everything in our mouths!
We ended up camping both nights we were out there. The dogs were left with my friend Sarah, so we were able to give full attention to Baby Girls FIRST camping excursion. I'm glad we are starting her so early. Joe had never camped until our Great Cross Country Road Trip at the age of 27.

The first night we stayed at Fort Stevens our first night and Cape Lookout our second night. Calais did amazing both nights! We put her down around 7:30 both nights. Her first night she slept until 7 the next morning. Her second night she woke up around 4, but went back to sleep again until 7 after a quick snack. We really are lucky that she inherited her fathers sleeping genes and not mine!
Calais REALLY enjoyed the Tillamook Cheese Factory
Another acting on my part!
Grabbed this bucket for 50 cents, sadly no ice cream in it.
The scenery was absolutely amazing and it was great seeing so many historic sites! (I have even come up with product that I would like to patent and produce, but more on that...if we ever actually get around to finding what it takes to make this product!)
At Fort Clatsop
Baby Girls new trick...taking her Nuk Nuk out and trying to put it back in!
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