
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Quick run down of Calais' first day at MMLH.

Calais knew what day it was when she woke up. She was incredibly excited. Our morning was a little rushed b/c I had to go in for a 4 hour CPR/AED training. Calais loves her oatmeal, so I spiced it up with some sprinkles for her special day. 
She was ready to roll when I dropped her off. If it's before 9 she joins the older kids classroom (4/5) which you know she was digging. She immediately went to the books and waved bye! 

I picked her around 4 and headed straight for swim practice. I felt a little bad about having her gone ALL day, but she did spectacular. Turns out she didn't have any accidents, slept for 1 hour (with her underwear on!) And overall, had a great day! 

Also, just had to include pictures of Olin eating oatmeal. He's not actually crying, but man he does not like the texture anymore. Olin's a foodie, but he will no longer eat hummus, peas and now oatmeal!