
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

McIntire Wading Pool

Monday's weather was pool weather. So we decided to head to McIntire Wading Pool. This was only the second time we've been to this spot. Despite the horrible traffic and noise (the pool is situated right by 250) once you are in the pool you don't really pay attention to it.

I had hoped to get there right around 11, however Olin woke up from a short nap and wasn't happy to play by himself while I got us ready. So we rolled out the door around 11:20. The lifeguards clear the pool the last 15 minutes of every hour, so I wanted us to get in a for a short while before break.

The weather was perfect today, maybe low 80s. We swam for about 15 minutes then break. There is a shaded area near the back where we pulled out our blanket and had our lunch! Olin and Calais both ate well! Calais kept asking when the lifeguard was going to blow his whistle again, she wanted back in. After lunch we swam for the next 45 minutes, then headed home.

There is a small park right by the pool as well, but both times we have come we leave right before nap. One day we will stay at play there as well! Calais has her eye on the swings.

I had parked the car right by the relocated skate park and Calais LOVED watching the skaters while I buckled Olin and and loaded up the car.