Fall is finally here! (except for the next couple days we might reach the 80's) I love fall, everything about it.
I've been lacking on my posts lately. Calais has started school, so all three of us don't get out as much as before. Olin and I have gone on 2 or 3 walks a week, so that's been nice.
Here are the things I'd like to do this fall!
Apple Picking (gone once already, again this Friday for a field trip w/Calais' school (
Pumpkin Picking
Walnut Creek
take the kiddos up to Shenandoah (the car ride may kill us!)
Monticello Trail (they love the lake and hollowed out tree)
few more farmers markets (yup, we are the ones there exactly at 7 when they open!)
Maybe hit up the State Fair this coming weekend.
Ivy Creek walks
Fire Pit time
If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Last week in pics...
Hit up Belmont Park with M. Proud of my little girl for not being squeamish around bugs. Although, who knows what kind of work was in this puddle that she picked up!
We met up again with M later that night for Sticks and Bloop. First time hitting up Bloop, next time we will walk to MJ's house :)
Had to hit up Chiles one last time before peach season is over. Olin LOVED picking up all the dead, moldy, disgusting peaches that were littered on the ground. He also thought it was hilarious each time I took one out of his hands and threw it.
Hit up Crozet Park (I think this is where the Crozet Gators swim, kinda wanted to check out their pool!)
This happened while cleaning. The scrub head brush broke off while I was scrubbing....what?!?!?!?
On our way to DC for T's bday party. Love seeing all the hot air balloons that come out. Calais is always asking for a ride. Is there an age limit for these things? (picture does not do it justice)
Didn't get too many pics at the party. Olin keeps you moving!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Quick run down of Calais' first day at MMLH.
She was ready to roll when I dropped her off. If it's before 9 she joins the older kids classroom (4/5) which you know she was digging. She immediately went to the books and waved bye!
I picked her around 4 and headed straight for swim practice. I felt a little bad about having her gone ALL day, but she did spectacular. Turns out she didn't have any accidents, slept for 1 hour (with her underwear on!) And overall, had a great day!
Also, just had to include pictures of Olin eating oatmeal. He's not actually crying, but man he does not like the texture anymore. Olin's a foodie, but he will no longer eat hummus, peas and now oatmeal!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Forest Hills
Forest Hills Sprayground. Catching up on some activities we've done in the past few weeks. I think it's impossible to get a good picture of 3 year olds!
Great Sprayground! Hanging out with M is always fun, Calais even ran into her friend Tate!
I'm thankful that the parks with spraygrounds here keep the water on till mid October.
Finally got Calais and her bike (and of course Olin) over to Riverview Park . Was hoping to attach the Burley to my bike and tote Olin along, but my tires are flat and I can't find the attachment piece for my bike.
Eventually, we will try it again. I've been dying to go for a good bike ride and I'll get around to it, maybe it'll coincide with the weather becoming nicer (aka cooler)!
Holy moly, there were a ton of runners...the kind I used to see in Oregon. Super skinny, marathon runners. I overheard one dude say he just finished 16 miles. WHAAATTTT!?!?! I was not blessed with any sort of running genes :(
It was super humid the day we went (we also went at 7:30 in the morning) and after the hour out I was ready for a/c.
Eventually, we will try it again. I've been dying to go for a good bike ride and I'll get around to it, maybe it'll coincide with the weather becoming nicer (aka cooler)!
Holy moly, there were a ton of runners...the kind I used to see in Oregon. Super skinny, marathon runners. I overheard one dude say he just finished 16 miles. WHAAATTTT!?!?! I was not blessed with any sort of running genes :(
We also passed Riverside and we will have to eat lunch there one day after an outing!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Pen Park Fitness/Nature Trail
Did y'all know that Pen Park also had a fitness and nature trail? I heard about it a few months ago, but the few times we have been to the park I didn't see it. Finally, I went online and found where to go. The turn is right before the tennis courts and it'll take you down to the picnic shelters and a separate baseball field (not the ones by the park).
We hit the trail around 8:00 the morning. We ran across 1 man running the fitness trail and 1 woman walking her dog, other than that, silence (perfection). We did the fitness trail. I wish there were signs at each inidvidual station (as opposed to just the start). Calais wanted to try several of the stations and I had to make up what they were supposed to be used for.
I would love to do the nature trail, but not sure the kiddos could sit in a stroller for an hour. Calais could probably walk it/stroll, but it's probably past Olin's comfort level now that he is walking.
Maybe next time we will come back and do the correct stations!
*Was able to get my phone syncing again with Picassa! So I've added photos back in.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Pen Park, an Old Favorite
Both kiddos woke up early last Tuesday morning (6:15). So I decided we would grab an early breakfast and visit a park we haven't been to in a while.
While living at Foxbrook we would frequent this one. The nice thing about it is it's pretty open. You will see any kids running away, etc. It also has a spongy surface which was perfect when Olin was crawling. Another bonus now that he is walking!
The morning was pretty hazy and started raining after being there for 20 minutes. (we were also the only ones there!)
Regardless of the rain and the emptiness the kiddos had fun. Calais was able to push herself on one of the lower swings and Olin just loves watching Calais and trying to climb up the stairs and the steps.
It's nice having Greenleaf Park so close to us, but sometimes it's nice to just re-visit one of our old favorites.