1) Mud Mud Update.
Our poor baby girl. So about four weeks ago we noticed that Muddy was peeing blood. Not just a little but a lot. It was this dark brown color. Obviously we knew this was no good. I did a little research online and it looked like she either had a UTI or kidney stones. We immediately called the vet and set up an appt. for the next day.
At her appt. we were asked to bring in a fresh urine sample. Thanks to Joe (following Muddy around with a tuperware container) we were able to bring one in. Muddy's urine was given a urine-analysis. It came back "raging" according to the ER vet. Her bacteria levels were high as well as her white and red blood cells. The dr. confirmed what we though and said she had a raging UTI. We were told to give her two weeks of antibiotics, then bring her back in for a check-up.

So now came time for the check-up. Another urine-analysis. Another positive for UTI. The antibiotics didn't work. This time we had a regular doctor (where we take the dogs yearly) and she wanted to do a quick x-ray. We couldn't go back with Mud Mud. The first x ray came back and they made a mistake and took the xray of her chest, not bladder, kidney's etc. Second xray didn't show any stones. However it showed a lot of POOP. Yup, that is definitley our Muddy. Our next option was to send her urine away for a culture to see if she just wasn't able to take the antiobiotics.

Those results took around 4 days. And of course they came back negative. Meaning she has no problem with the antibiotics, they just didn't work. So after a few days of phone tag with with dr. Joe finally was able to get in touch with her.
We have 2 options.
1)ultrasound -- $200-300. With this, you can get a view of the entire urinary tract from kidneys to bladder to urethra on out. Dr.'s are able to look for kidney stones and hardening of bladder walls, etc. This is non-invasive.. meaning they don't have cut muddy up, but might have to knock her out if she won't co-operate. (Which she doesn't like to cuddle, so we shall see!)
3)scope -- $300-500. A scope goes up the urethra and into the bladder. With this you get a clear view of everything and can do biopsies (cut a little tissue off) if they see something that looks bad. they def. knock her out for this and we'd have to go to a specialist. if the problem is not in these areas (if it's the kidneys or somethign else) then this won't help us.

So finally the decision was made. We are having an ultrasound done on Friday morning. The worst, is Muddy can't eat for 12 hours before, so basically she can't eat dinner Thursday. Those of you that have stayed with Muddy or have been around her, know's that she LOVES food!!! So that will be the hardest for her. We will also have to try and get all the poop out of her!
So come Friday morning, 7 o clock....pray for Mud Mud!
Okay now to the second thing!
We are now officially over 34 weeks!!!
We went in for our visit today and all went well. Dr. went over a few hospital items and the Bgroup Test I have to do next week.
He then went on to measurements and poking and prodding. After alittle prodding, dr. kinda hmmed to himself and said that the butt feels hard, so he would like to do an ultrasound. He was hoping she was already head down. But he was worried she was still transverse b/c it felt like the head was so high.
So he did a quick U/S and sure enough she is head down. Guess it just means she has a very boney butt!!!!
All in all things seem to be going pretty well. Thankfully I don't feel sick too often anymore! I still can't handle strong smells. Which sucks b/c we are all out of my non scented shampoo and conditioner (and since we are saving for both Birth and Mud Mud; it means I have to try and use what we have; yuck!). I still get a crappy feeling around 3-6. Just kinda hit a low and need to just sit and not do a thing. I'm super tired lately. But that doesn't translate to sleeping well (oh well!)
Hopefully these next 5 1/2 weeks will go quickly!!!
I sent you an email!
great post babes! love all the pics of MudMud.
great post babes! love all the pics of MudMud.
I will say a little prayer for your Mud Mud and hope everything will turn out OK! I'm sure it will! :-) Love the pictures in this post...She is very photogenic! :-)
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