It was 82 yesterday....today the high is 66. This is actually my favorite time of the year. I hope Calais learns to love it as well! Joe worked all day yesterday, so Calais and I were able to spend some QT time together. Google Reader has been a great resource of activities for BG. One of my starred items was make your own sidewalk paint (the actual blog was for fizzle sidewalk paint, you use vinegar and spray it on the paint and it fizzles!) We just ended up making regular sidewalk paint (1 cup cornstarch, 2/3 cup water and food coloring)

I was pretty happy with the colors. The blog mentioned gel food coloring works better, all we had was liquid!

Calais dove right in! She really enjoyed painting and then scraping her fingers on the paint.

And of course what's painting unless you start painting on yourself! She ended up getting some paint on her by mistake and then realized how much fun that was. S0 needless to say she tried painting all parts of her body. I'm very happy to say that she didn't try to eat it at all.

Another one of Calais' favorite things was pouring it on the driveway. I have to say the brushes I used with her soaked up the paint more than letting you paint with them. So pouring it out was a much QUICKER was of painting.

And stomping in the paint was a blast!

And the finished product!

I got a rag out to clean her hands. She decided she would clean the paint up. Knowing that it was supposed to rain today, I didn't need to actually hose down our driveway. Thank you Mother Nature! All in all a successful afternoon activity!