So over the next month I'll try and write a post per day (but don't count on it! there may be a few posts on the weekend!)
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
So long sunshine...
I know it has been too long since my last post.
I head back to work tomorrow :( Not looking forward to missing my baby girl. I wish I could see her smile every time she wakes up.
I also had a short stint at the ER last week, so I'm still recovering from that.
August was my unclutter month. September is going to be my 30 days of Truth month. Anyone want to join? I'll try and upload the 30 topics tomorrow so you can start thinking of them yourselves!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
NY TIMES Reading List
I only have 8 more books to go to actually cross off ALL the books on the 2009 list! This is my third year reading the top 30ish books on the list and this will be the first time that I might finish them all in one year :) Go me!!!
Jan 4: The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
Jan 11: Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell
Jan 18: Black Ops by WEB Griffin
Jan 25: Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich
Feb 15: The Associate by John Grisham
Mar 15: Promises in Death by JD Robb
Mar 22: Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult
Apr 12: True Detectives by Jonathan Kellerman
Apr 19: Long Lost by Harlan Coben
Apr 26: Turncoat by Jim Butcher
May 3: Just Take my Heart by Mary Higgins Clark
May 10: First Family by David Baldacci
May 17: 8th Confession by James Patterson
May 24: Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris
May 31: Wicked Prey by John Sandford
June 7: Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child
June 14: The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
June 21: Skin Trade by Laurell K Hamilton
June 28: Relentelss by Dean Koontz
July 5: Knockout by Chaterine Coulter
July 12: Finger Lickin Fifteen by Janet Evanovich
July 19: Swimsuit by James Patterson
July 26: Black Hills by Nora Roberts
Aug 2: Best Friend Forever by Jennifer Weiner
Aug 9: The Defector by Daniel Silva
Aug 16: The Girl who played with fire by Steig Larsson
Aug 23: Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Aug 30: South of Broad by Pat Conroy
Sept 13: Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson
Sept 20: Dark Slayer by Christine Freehan
Sept 27: The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Oct 4: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
Nov 15: The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan
Nov 22: Ford Country by John Grishom
Nov 29: Under the Dome by Stephen King
Dec 6: I, Alex Cross by James Patterson
Dec 20: U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton
Jan 4: The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
Jan 11: Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell
Jan 18: Black Ops by WEB Griffin
Jan 25: Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich
Feb 15: The Associate by John Grisham
Mar 15: Promises in Death by JD Robb
Mar 22: Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult
Apr 12: True Detectives by Jonathan Kellerman
Apr 19: Long Lost by Harlan Coben
Apr 26: Turncoat by Jim Butcher
May 3: Just Take my Heart by Mary Higgins Clark
May 10: First Family by David Baldacci
May 17: 8th Confession by James Patterson
May 24: Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris
May 31: Wicked Prey by John Sandford
June 7: Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child
June 14: The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
June 21: Skin Trade by Laurell K Hamilton
June 28: Relentelss by Dean Koontz
July 5: Knockout by Chaterine Coulter
July 12: Finger Lickin Fifteen by Janet Evanovich
July 19: Swimsuit by James Patterson
July 26: Black Hills by Nora Roberts
Aug 2: Best Friend Forever by Jennifer Weiner
Aug 9: The Defector by Daniel Silva
Aug 16: The Girl who played with fire by Steig Larsson
Aug 23: Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Aug 30: South of Broad by Pat Conroy
Sept 13: Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson
Sept 20: Dark Slayer by Christine Freehan
Sept 27: The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Oct 4: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
Nov 15: The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan
Nov 22: Ford Country by John Grishom
Nov 29: Under the Dome by Stephen King
Dec 6: I, Alex Cross by James Patterson
Dec 20: U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Joe and Calais
August 2010
South Santiem River; Cascadia
(photo courtesy of Katy Shrum)
And yes, I know it has been a long time since my last post! Busy few weeks. Camping, Katy's Graduation, School Work, out of town guests! But don't worry I've been keeping up with my August goal of uncluttering 31 items! I've also won two different items on two different blogs, so I've got a lot of catching up to do...just not sure when I'll do it :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
August is the Month to Unclutter!
So in keeping with my theme of the month: Unclutter! Here is an article I found on the blog I dream of
Great if I can only try and live by it!
Oh, and an update on my first week of the Unclutter challenge: I've made a pile of 12 items of clothing that I'm going to donate. So I've exceeded the 7 for this week. I'll definitely keep track, just in case there is another week where I can't find anything I want to get rid of!
Anyone out there doing the challenge with me?
Great if I can only try and live by it!
Oh, and an update on my first week of the Unclutter challenge: I've made a pile of 12 items of clothing that I'm going to donate. So I've exceeded the 7 for this week. I'll definitely keep track, just in case there is another week where I can't find anything I want to get rid of!
Anyone out there doing the challenge with me?
Here are 10 foolproof ways to Evaluate, Eliminate, and Reduce Clutter:
- If it’s sentimental but not useful, take a picture, showcase it in a beautiful frame and get rid of it! You and others can actually admire it on a daily basis rather than keeping the item tucked away in a closet.
- Donate on a regular basis. Keep a giveaway box at all times and then find a donation center to utilize. I’ve previously mentioned 10 ways you can sell or donate items to clean out your house and simplify your life.
- Sell things you don’t need and make some extra cash in the process. The link above lists a few avenues for making money on those little things cluttering up your home.
- Don’t go shopping. Seriously. Just don’t! Easier said than done, right?! Granted, there are items that we do need (like Back to School supplies, right?!). However, the majority of purchases we make are probably unnecessary. We shop for leisure. We upgrade and get the latest and greatest gadget. We just have to buy that cute outfit because it’s a good deal!! I like shopping as much as the next person, but when I refrain, my house thanks me!
- Use what you have. This can be applied to so many aspects of our life (cooking, clothing, etc.) but let’s focus on home decor for the moment. Instead of buying new home decor, consider moving your furniture, knickknacks, blankets, etc. to a new location in your home. Use paint to bring new life to old furniture. Think up creative ways to re-purpose what you already have. Sometimes a new arrangement can completely transform the look of a room.
- Implement a trial period mentality. We are in the process of putting our home on the market and one of the greatest (and hardest) things we’ve had to do recently is pack up many of our belongings for storage. We only kept the things we use on a daily basis. It’s surprising how many things I’ve been keeping around “just in case”. I’ve come to realize that I don’t need, want, or love any of those things. If there’s something you’re hesitant about getting rid of, consider storing it in a special place for a specific time period. If you haven’t needed it by the end of that time, sell or donate it.
- Keep a gift list If you’re family gives gifts at birthdays, Christmas, etc. and celebrating in an alternative way is not an option, keep a list of items you’d like to have. You know you’ll be receiving a gift at some point during the year so make sure that item is useful to you. If you buy everything that you want or need, the gift giver may struggle to find something for you. There’s a high probability that you may receive something that will just clutter your life and home. Have an ongoing list for when that special someone asks you what you want.
- One thing in, One thing out. This advise has been given time and time again. It seems so simple, yet it can easily be overlooked “just this once!” The things is, “just this once” becomes the norm rather than the exception. You must be intentional about removing an item every time you bring something new into you home. Keep a box or bag somewhere in your home to put the old items. When the box is full, drive to the donation center or stick it in the yard sale corner of the garage. When you get a new black shirt, get rid of the old faded shirt. When your kids get a new toy, help them pick out a toy that they’ve outgrown. Be intentional.
- “See” your stuff through someone else’s eyes. Have a friend come over to help you see your home as they do. Ask them what stands out and doesn’t look great in your home. If it doesn’t add value, give it away or sell it.
- Get a new perspective. Visit a homeless shelter, spend time with someone who has been down on their luck, or even visit a third world country. When we personally invest in the life of someone who is struggling for food, water and shelter on a daily basis, our “stuff” suddenly becomes less important and much easier to eliminate.