So I promised to give a recap of Mud's escape about a 1 1/2 ago....
Whenever we leave the house, we put the dogs up in our bedroom. This way they aren't barking, scratching or getting into food. (Yes, in the past, Muddy has learned how to open their food container, doors and other things! She is creative).
The weather has been fairly nice lately, so we have been leaving the windows opens and getting cross breezes in the house. Joe's mom, Ellen, is in town to help out while I went back to work. One day, Joe was at work, so Ellen and I decided to take a walk with Calais. We headed to the library and downtown St. Johns. I of course put the dogs in the bedroom and closed the door. We were gone a little over an hour (we were caught in some rain, so headed to Starbucks to take cover).
We finally headed back towards home. We rounded the corner onto our street and we both noticed this brown streak of a dog run across the street. Ellen said, that looks like Muddy! I of course said it couldn't, I put the dogs in the bedroom! We got a little closer and sure enough, it was Mud Mud! She was happy to see us, but soaking wet!
Our neighbor across the street came out of his house and asked if it was our dog. He said she had been running around for awhile and he was trying to get her! Well, we couldn't figure out how Muddy was able to escape!
All the doors were closed....but of course, I had left the windows open. Our bedroom is on the second story. A good 15 feet above the concrete driveway. Somehow Muddy had shredded our mesh windows and jumped out onto the deck, slid down onto the gutter and managed to land on the concrete. Once I realized how she had jumped out, I immediately checked all her joints and took her up to take a bath. She was extremely happy and didn't seem to have a thing wrong with her! We watched her closely for the next few days, making sure that she was eating and using the bathroom!
Our Muddy is definitely a creative gal! Not only do we need to child proof our house, we are now going to DOG PROOF IT!