That means we are only 9 weeks and 5 days away :) Not like I'm counting or anything.
It is hard to imagine that we are so close. But I feel that we are slowly coming to the point where we will be ready with everything we need!
Granted our little girl still doesn't have a place to sleep. Yes we have a crib, but no mattress. We were thinking of just getting a pack n' play and using that as her crib in our bedroom. We could also move the crib into our bedroom. There is also a possibility of getting the bassinet that I slept in shipped from N.C. So we have a few options to choose from. Hopefully within the next few weeks we will finalize on what we would like to do!
We re-arranged the nursery today and I feel much better about where things are placed. We ordered a dandelion vinyl decal off the internet (it actually came from a shop in Ashville NC!) So hopefully that will arrive within the next week. I can't wait to put that up. I feel like the green walls need something else. The only other things we need for the nursery are a few lamps, a diaper hamper, a side table and the mattress.
Heartburn and Indigestion are back in full swing. It sucks when you burp and everything you ate comes up with it! No more nausea :) Still knocking on wood for this one! Swelling my hands and feet have gone up as well. My rings are squished on my fingers and my socks leave nice little ring marks!
Had quite a scare yesterday (Sunday 1/17) Joe and I have been walking/hiking a bit more, depending on my energy level. On Saturday we did a quick hour long hike on Ridge Trail (which exhausted me!) but I felt good afterwords. On Sunday morning we went to the dog park and while the dogs ran and played we did 4 laps (which might equal 1 1/2 miles). It had been raining all night and the dogs loved playing in every single puddle. Which also meant baths for them when we got home! Joe gave them baths and I dried them off. Then I hopped into the shower. As I was getting into the shower I felt this horrible sharp pain about 1 inch to the right of my belly button. I had no idea what happened. Other then I could barely stand up and Joe had to hold me. It continued throughout my shower. I finally got to lie in bed, which seemed to make it even worse. I knew deep down there was nothing wrong with the baby girl (it felt to high, almost like it was on top of my uterus). But I still had this horrible shooting pain that had been going on for about an hour. Joe had gotten the number for our womens clinic out and decided to give them a call. While he was on hold, I made him hand up. I thought I could handle the pain. It went away for about 10 minutes and then came back with a vengance. It felt even worse. I was howling, yes howling in pain. I asked Joe to call again and he got in touch with the doctor. She told us to do the kick test to make sure baby girl was still okay and that it sounded like a seperation of my abs. The best thing to do was rest and lie on your side. Thankfully two hours later I was able to sit up and move around. I still feel like someone punched me in my gut and am very sore in that one spot. I have no clue what really happened but it seems like all is well. I'm looking forward to my dr. appointment in the next few weeks to run it by him!