July 4th was here before we even realized it! We didn't really plan much for the holiday weekend. We ended up playing disc golf with a couple of friends. Then grilled out at the house followed by fireworks watching. Supposedly you can see fireworks from the Fort of Vancouver (however Vancouver city didn't have the money this year). So we settled on watching the fireworks of ALL our neighbors. I have never seen anything like it! Almost all the houses were setting off fireworks in the streets! (Under powerlines, trees etc.) We ended up stopping by "crazy Nathaniel's" house and watched him set off fireworks with his mom. They were quite impressive
On Sunday we ended up going to OMSI to see there CSI exhibit! We have yet to pay full price for this museum which is pretty cool. (We have gone free the last two times, and on Sunday it was the first Sunday of the month and it is only 2 bucks!!!) On our way home from OMSI we stopped at Next Adventure and picked up two disc's to play disc golf with! We then headed out to the Sandy River and Dabney State Park to play 18 holes and then float down the river. It was a perfect day. (I was worried it would be too crowded, but it wasn't bad at all!)
I'm going to try to attach some pictures, hopefully it will work! Stay tuned to see pic's from my friends BDAY party and SUMO wrestling outfits!!!