Yesterday my friend and I competed in The Great Urban Race (Portland). Have you ever seen The Amazing Race? Our race was loosely based on that show. It was a huge scavenger hunt that took us over most of downtown. You and your teammate had to dress alike. We went with simple iron on tshirts supporting our boxing gym Sweet Science! Other teams went all out, Mickey and Minnie, Two Peas in a Pod, TMNT, etc....

Our first photo-op :) Before our two hour trek through downtown.

They started by herding us all into a circle and going over the rules (No bikes, cabs, planes, cars, etc.) Then they handed us each team an envelope and instructed us to wait. Then the countdown began. We opened the clue packets and began. There were 12 clues (we are allowed to skip 1) Most of the clues we were able to figure out on our own. A few we used our "Call a Friend" (thanks so y'all!!!)

Clue: Go to the Smith Memorial Union building and recreate the sentence "Portland is a magnificent city to host the Great Urban Race" with letters and words cut out from magazines.

The Finished Project!

Clue: Take a picture in front of a larger than life Chinook salmon sculpture while making a fish face

Clue: Take a picture posing with a real person wearing Chuck Taylors
One would think that being in Portland it would be easy to find a converse wearing fool (not so!!!)

Clue: Take a picture with the answers to two riddles:
(a)I opened in 1913 and was modeled after The Blackstone in Chicago and (b) I was designed by AE Doyle and the first of 20 of me is located at SW 5th Ave and Washington St. [Thanks to our lifelines for this one!]
(Notice the mask wearing woman in the background!)

Clue: Visit the restaurant that makes pizza "the way it ought to be" and take a picture of one teammate feeding the slice to the other teammate.

Clue: Take a picture standing in front of this statue. [The clue gave us a black and white photo of it]

Clue: Buy office supplies at Office Max and donate them to Schoolhouse Supplies
We had fun with this photo op!!

Clue: Take a picture of ten people flexing their muscles in front of the Skidmore Fountain.
Not a bad idea for this group. They had ten people waiting to flex and take a pic for a donation to Race for the Cure

Clue: Take a picture wearing either a saw, plunger, or golf club headpiece at Spoonman Creations at the Saturday Market.
I think we were getting pretty tired by this point and didn't take full advantage of where we were and our props!

Yeah we finished!!!! And no time penalties (You get a penalty if you take a picture of the wrong thing etc.)
All in all an awesome experience and I would totally love to do it again!